Its funny how some people react around the holidays. From the middle of September till January people become odd. Odd is great way to politely explain a behavior or behaviors that have managed to irritate you to the point of distraction. Of course social media only seems to amplify this, at times, outrageous behavior.
In the last few weeks we have had several rather scandalous revelations just rock the world. Phil Robertson, of Duck Dynasty fame, revealed while he loves everyone, being gay is wrong and blacks were happy prior to the civil rights movement, big huh? Then we found out Santa Claus was white, who knew? The biggest escandaloso was Brandi Glanville, of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills fame was going through some sort of perimenopausal, alcohol induced verbal melt down. Okay everyone, we have practiced our #GayGasps, now is the time to do one.
I normally tend to stay out of the fray when it comes to hot button topics on Twitter, Facebook and etc. I just don't like how personal and nasty folks get. Teams come together, plans are hatched, its all so grammar school courtyard shit and for me that was never a pleasure. I just sit back and watch folks argue the more salient points of who said what first and to whom. This time though I wanted to weigh in on the whole Duck Dynasty controversy.
I support any idiot who wants to open their mouths and spout intolerance. Have at it, its your neck your slitting not mine and far be it for me to stop and asshole from taking a dump. What I didn't care for was how people reacted. People who I would have thought liberal/gay friendly were outraged by the cable networks A&E, decision to suspend Mr. Robertson, due to his remarks. Really? They didn't seem to have a thought about all the gay, women and people of color who he offended, just that it was his right to say ugly things and not suffer any consequence for them.
I just looked at my Twitter feed and wondered who the hell these people where. One follower was offended, yes offended after I told her as a white, heterosexual woman she could not possibly understand what is was like to be gay or black. Offended she told me! Point, click, block. Stunned is all I can say. She didn't even get it...never will and so life moves on, right? I lost a few followers that day and the next people were still spouting off at the mouth without engaging their brains first.
I decided right then and there I was not going to tolerate anyone on my Twitter feed who didn't get it. I now have carpal tunnel syndrome because of all the blocking I started doing. Then we had the whole Santa is white fiasco. Who really cares if a person/family other than white wants to believe this mythical creature in a red velvet suit and a white beard is anything other than white. Again more blocking, unfollowing and lots of shaking my head. People are really stupid and very intolerant.
Lastly, we had the bastion of all that is inappropriate and drunk, Ms. Brandi Glanville. Let me go on the record and say I liked Brandi. Her and I shared the same style of inappropriate humor. I found her refreshing last season on the show. She is a beautiful woman with two adorable boys and watching her on the show was as close to screwing Eddy Cibrian as I would ever get, a win/win situation. This season I have only seen her drunk, say racially intolerant, ignorant remarks. Fire an assistant for no good reason and behave in a fashion I can only call "Couture Fuckery". I don't like this new Brandi and that is a problem for people. I followed a parody account which is Brandi's vagina, @brandisstankvag. Whomever is doing this account is funny. Just funny. A blogger even interviewed Brandi's vagina. I was on the floor laughing. It all just sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek humor or comments. Who doesn't love a good laugh?
Anyhow, people started to get angry. As they always do when you say something, funny, negative about some housewife on the shows. People act like G-d has come down and personally appointed them to the position of defender of the wife. I have been tweeting about the shows, occasionally blogging about the shows for years. These women do not give a shit about the viewers. They are all egocentric, drunk, back stabbing, greedy women who do the show for the glory and money. If anyone who follows one of these tarnished goddesses thinks they actually give a shit about anything other than free trips, clothes and taking a good picture they are crazy and in for a real let down. I, personally, find them all a little...okay, a lot...dumb. I have no favorites other than some who manage to not make my gag reflex kick every time they open their mouth. Other than that, I really have no favorites.
Back to topic...been doing a lot of blocking of people who piss me off in regards to Brandi. I rarely, if ever tweet the housewives. Very rare. I don't give a shit, I snark during the show and went its over its over. I am not sitting in front of my computer waiting for them to tweet something or reading everything ever written about one of them. Good grief I have a life and a lot of hand cream, if you know what I mean. So its odd to me when people attack when I tweet something about, say Brandi. In fact I have nicknames for most of them. The only way any of them would ever see a tweet is if they did the work and either searched the shows hash tag or their name without the @ symbol. So really, the only people to see my thoughts, opinions or snark are my followers. Not one star or celeb follows me.
I have really done some house cleaning on my social media networks. Gotten rid of the intolerant, the stupid and the dead weight. The year is coming to close and I feel liberated. Liberated from the pressure of trying to keep the peace with people who never seem to take a minute to think before they act. I am ready for a new year. So out with the old and in with the new.
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