Sitting in front of my TV this morning I was watching Morning Joe with Joe Scarborough. He was on a rant about the shooting and death of Michael Brown and how it would have happened to even his own kids. Once again Joe has managed to reach within me and elicit a reaction that I can only describe as anger covered in disgust. I am pissed.
To begin with, how can a white man, an affluent white man comment on the struggles that Blacks in this country face each and every day? How is that even possible? That alone makes me want to reach out and smack the stupid off of him. Secondly, he goes on to call people cowards because, as he says, "I'm sure 97% of America feels the same way he does but are cowards and won't say so." Bullshit Joe. Have you even looked at racial statistics lately? White folks only comprise about 77% of the population. Latins are next with approximately 17% and Blacks 13% of the population. I sincerely doubt Joe the Black and Latin communities have the same take on what happened in Ferguson, MI as you do. Hell, I am whiter than white and I don't have the same opinion as you, thankfully.
He went on to say that Michael Brown "knocked over" a store. If anything, all Michael Brown did was shoplift. Since when does shoplifting give Police the right to shoot to kill an unarmed teen? When? Joe Scarborough is a pompous ass who is known to not be able to keep his dick in his pants and had a dead intern show up in his government office. I listen to very little this fuckwit has to say.
I don't agree with the verdict. I don't agree the cop had the right to shoot to kill and then leave Michael's body in the street for hours. I don't agree with the protesters burning and committing violence in Ferguson. I just don't.
I was married for over 10 years to a Black man. I cannot and will not speak to the black experience in America, the world for that matter, but I can speak to what I feel and what I have seen. In my relationship with my ex, I confronted a lot of different issues. I confronted my own prejudices. Yes I was in a relationship but had prejudices. I was raised white and prejudices are very subtle. I feel I have over come much of the way I was raised. I am aware now of those prejudices and work hard to confront them, work through them and stop them. While in my relationship I have watched as my husband was followed in stores. How we were constantly stopped while he was driving in West Hartford, CT, a predominately white, Jewish town, because he must be a drug dealer because he was black and I a drug user because I was white. I have watched as people have discriminated against him in housing, employment and socially because of the color of his skin. I cannot even being to understand the anger he and other Blacks must feel every day. I cannot. I know my anger when I saw the person I loved, a college graduate get passed over for jobs and advancement not because he wasn't doing a good job or could of done a good job, but because he was Black. I have to say, if I were Black, I don't think I would be even remotely as nice and tolerant of racism as most Blacks are. I know as a Jew I get damn pissed and call me a Kike and that is a fighting word for me. So I tip my hat to all Blacks who just turn the other cheek in a society hell bent on treating them as less than.
Hey Joe, this is where the anger is coming from in Ferguson and around the country. They, the Blacks and those of us other ethnicities are disgusted at the pervasive and systemic racism that continues to persist in this country. How many more Black men have to be murdered for allegedly selling single cigarettes? How many more Black 12 year old boys are gonna be gunned down for playing with a toy gun? How many more will die because they were beaten to death for "resisting" being arrested? How many? Your right Joe, there are cowards in this world and your the coward. Your a coward because you cannot even stop and examine your own racial prejudices and racism within yourself. COWARD. We, the enlightened, the Whites, the Latins, the Asians should have stood up years ago and said, STOP KILLING THESE PEOPLE BASED ON THEIR SKIN COLOR. Well, you white, pampered pussy we are doing that now.
The whole Ferguson situation just doesn't pass my smell test. When have you ever heard of a Black man running up to a White cop in a police car? Never mind reaching in and smacking the cop and allegedly reaching for his gun? Really? Not to get petty but has anyone ever watched the show COPS. Blacks run, even the innocent ones. The run from the police because they know. They know the racism and horrific treatment they will suffer. Hell, my Black ex-husband, college educated, a licensed commercial lines insurance underwriter was stopped constantly in his Pontiac Grand Am. Not for speeding, not for being drunk but for driving while being Black in a white town.
I don't care what anyone says. There is no way Michael rolled up on a cop, reached in and smacked him and reached for his gun. Its just not logical nor does, like I said pass the smell test with me. Now I will say the violence and the burning of businesses and churches has to stop. There is a way to continue to fight this injustice and as Michael's father said, "I don't want my son's death to be in vain." I agree. Let us raise our voices. Let us express the outrage and anger we feel. Let us band together, united in the fight for equality under the law. Let us tell the police this will not be tolerated anymore! Let us take this to the courts. Most of all, lets not let this peter out and fade away. Its time we stop being afraid to talk about racism, prejudices and get the dialogue going. Its time America for the stigmas, the ignorance and most of all the intolerance to stop once and for all.
And Joe Scarborough, you can kiss my lily white ass. Your a boil on the ass of humanity and you can rant and rave all you want. We see you for what you are. A liar, a cheater and a man with a moral defect as large as the Grand Canyon. Go away. Take your "Preppy" dressing ways and get off our airwaves. You make me ashamed to share the same skin color. There may be free speech but not free stupidity written into the Constitution. Your an ass. #ByeGurl